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Gabelsbergerstraße 34
9876 80333 München

Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday:
5:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Gabelsbergerstraße 34
9876 80333 München

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday: 9:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Why are my pancakes rubbery or gummy

No breakfast is complete without a stack of delicious pancakes. However, sometimes your carefully crafted pancakes turn out to be rubbery or gummy, leaving you disappointed and craving that perfect fluffy texture. But fear not! With ample tips and tricks, you can salvage your pancake mishap and turn it into fluffy clouds of pancake perfection.

A few different factors can cause Rubberiness or gumminess in pancakes. One common culprit is overmixing the batter. When you mix the batter too much, the gluten in the flour develops, resulting in a more rigid texture. Another factor could be using too much baking powder or baking soda, leaving pancakes with a chemical aftertaste and a rubbery texture.

Start by being mindful of your mixing technique to fix rubbery or gummy pancakes. Mix the batter until the dry ingredients are incorporated and any lumps are okay. Overmixing is a no-no! Additionally, make sure you use the correct amount of leavening agents – usually about one teaspoon of baking powder per cup of flour. Adjusting the leavening agents in your recipe can make a big difference in the final texture of your pancakes.

Another trick to make your pancakes fluffy is to let the batter rest. Allowing the batter to sit for about 10 minutes before cooking gives time for the baking powder to activate, resulting in lighter and fluffier pancakes. If your pancakes are still too dense, add a splash of buttermilk or yogurt to the batter. The acidity in these ingredients reacts with the leavening agents, creating air bubbles and giving your pancakes an extra lift.

So, don’t let rubbery or gummy pancakes ruin your breakfast! By following these simple steps and making a few adjustments, you\’ll be able to fix any pancake mishaps and enjoy the fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth pancakes you crave.

Why Are My Pancakes Rubbery or Gummy?

Having rubbery or gummy pancakes is a common problem that many home cooks encounter. Several factors can contribute to this undesirable texture. Understanding why your pancakes turn out rubbery or gummy can help you troubleshoot and make the necessary adjustments to achieve fluffy and delicious pancakes.

1. Overmixing

Overmixing the pancake batter can result in gluten development, which leads to a dense and rubbery texture. Gluten is a protein that forms when flour mixes with liquid and is responsible for the structure and texture of baked goods. When you combine the batter too vigorously, you encourage gluten formation, resulting in rubbery pancakes. To avoid this, mix the batter until the dry ingredients are incorporated. It\’s okay if a few lumps are remaining.

2. Too much liquid or leavening agents

If your pancake batter is too runny or uses too much baking powder or baking soda, your pancakes can turn out gummy. The excess liquid or leavening agents can cause the pancakes to become overly dense and sickening. Follow the recipe measurements carefully, using the correct amount of liquid and leavening agents to achieve the desired consistency and rise.

Issue Cause Solution
Texture: Rubber Overmixed batter Mix the batter just until the ingredients are incorporated
Texture: Gummy Too much liquid or leavening agents Follow recipe measurements carefully

By identifying and addressing these potential causes of rubbery or gummy pancakes, you can make the necessary adjustments to achieve the perfect fluffy texture. Experiment with different mixing techniques, proportions, and cooking methods to find the best combination for your pancake recipe. With some practice and experimentation, you\’ll be able to make deliciously fluffy pancakes that everyone will enjoy consistently.

The Importance of Measuring Ingredients Accurately

When making pancakes, accurate measurements of ingredients are crucial to achieving the perfect texture and flavor. Whether you are using store-bought pancake mix or making your batter from scratch, the measurements of flour, leavening agents, liquid, and fats can significantly affect the outcome of your pancakes.

Dry ingredients, such as flour and leavening agents, should be measured using a proper measuring cup or spoon. Leveling off the top of the cup or spoon using a straight edge is essential, as excess flour can lead to dense and rubbery pancakes. Similarly, using too little flour can result in thin and gummy pancakes.

Liquid ingredients, such as milk and water, should be measured using a liquid cup. It is important to pour the liquid into the cup while it is placed on a flat surface and to read the measurement at eye level to ensure accuracy. Too much liquid can make the batter runny and result in dull and gummy pancakes.

Fats, such as butter or oil, should also be measured accurately. Too much fat can make the pancakes greasy and heavy, while too little fat can produce dry and tough pancakes.

By measuring ingredients accurately, you can ensure that your pancake batter has the right consistency and will yield fluffy and delicious pancakes every time. So, follow the recipe measurements and use the appropriate measuring tools to achieve the best results.

Choosing the Right Pancake Recipe

When making fluffy and delicious pancakes, choosing the right recipe is crucial. With so many options out there, it\’s essential to consider a few key factors to ensure success. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect pancake recipe:

1. Consider Your Preferences

Think about what kind of pancakes you enjoy the most. Do you like them light and airy or thick and substantial? Do you like traditional flavors or prefer experimenting with different ingredients? Knowing your preferences will help you narrow down the choices.

2. Check the Ingredients

Pay attention to the ingredients listed in the recipe. Look for ones that include baking powder or baking soda, as these are essential leavening agents that help pancakes rise. Choose a recipe with beaten eggs or egg whites for a lighter texture.

Additionally, consider the types of flour used. All-purpose flour is a common choice, but you can also find recipes that incorporate whole wheat flour or other grains for added nutrition. Ensure the recipe includes enough liquid to moisten the pancakes and prevent them from becoming rubbery.

3. Read Reviews and Ratings

Before committing to a specific recipe, take the time to read reviews and ratings from others who have tried it. This will give you insights into the success and potential pitfalls of the recipe. Look for recipes with positive feedback and comments about the pancakes\’ texture and flavor.

By considering your preferences, checking the ingredients, and reading reviews, you\’ll be able to choose a pancake recipe that produces fluffy and delicious results every time. With the right recipe, you\’ll be on your way to enjoying perfect pancakes, free from any rubbery or gummy textures.

Overmixing: The Enemy of Fluffy Pancakes

When you overmix pancake batter, you end up developing too much gluten. Gluten is a protein that gives baked goods their structure, but too much can result in tough and chewy pancakes. When you mix the batter too vigorously, the gluten strands become overworked, creating a dense and rubbery texture.

To avoid overmixing, it\’s essential to use a gentle hand when combining the wet and dry ingredients. Mix until just combined, leaving some lumps in the batter. These lumps will disappear as the pancakes cook, ensuring a light and airy texture.

One trick to prevent overmixing is to use a whisk instead of a spoon or spatula. The whisk lets you gently fold the ingredients together without overworking the batter. Another tip is to rest the batter for a few minutes before cooking. This resting period relaxes the gluten, resulting in tender and fluffy pancakes.

So remember, when it comes to making pancakes, less is more. Avoid the temptation to overmix, and you\’ll be rewarded with a stack of fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth pancakes that are perfect for any breakfast or brunch.

The Perfect Pancake Batter Consistency

Perfect batter consistency is one of the most critical factors in making fluffy pancakes. If your pancakes turn out rubbery or gummy, it could result from having a batter that is either too thick or too thin.

To achieve the ideal pancake batter consistency, you want it to be smooth and pourable but not too runny. Start by following the pancake recipe measurements for the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and other ingredients. Then, slowly add the liquid, usually milk, while gently whisking the mixture.

The batter should be thick enough to cling to the back of a spoon but thin enough to slide off slowly. If the batter seems too thick, add a small amount of milk to thin it out. On the other hand, if the batter is too thin, you can add a little more flour to thicken it.

Remember that the consistency of the batter can vary depending on the type of flour used and other factors, so it\’s essential to adjust as needed. Testing a small pancake first can help determine if the consistency is correct before making a whole batch.

Paying attention to the perfect pancake batter consistency gives you a better chance of achieving light, fluffy pancakes every time. Experiment with different measurements and adjustments until you find the right balance that works for you. Your family and friends will be delighted with the results!

Using the Right Cooking Temperature

To achieve fluffy pancakes, it\’s crucial to use the correct cooking temperature. If the heat is too high, the pancakes will cook too quickly on the outside while staying undercooked and gummy inside. On the other hand, if the heat is too low, the pancakes will take longer to cook and may become dense and rubbery.

Preheat your skillet or griddle over medium-low to medium heat for best results. This will give the pancake batter enough time to cook through without burning on the outside. To test the correct temperature, sprinkle a few drops of water on the cooking surface. If the water sizzles and evaporates quickly, the temperature is perfect.

When you pour the pancake batter onto the skillet, you should hear a gentle sizzle, but not a loud one. This indicates that the heat is sufficient for cooking the pancakes evenly without drying them out. If the batter spreads too quickly and becomes thin, the heat is too high, and you should reduce it to achieve a golden brown color and a fluffy texture.

Remember to adjust the heat throughout the cooking process as necessary. If the pancakes are browning too quickly or not cooking evenly, you can decrease or increase the heat accordingly. This will ensure that you have perfectly fluffy pancakes every time.

In conclusion, using the proper cooking temperature is essential for fluffy pancakes. Maintaining medium-low to medium heat will allow the pancakes to cook evenly without burning or becoming rubbery. By paying attention to the heat and making any necessary adjustments, you\’ll be able to enjoy delicious, fluffy pancakes every time.

Flipping Pancakes at the Right Time

One of the critical factors in making fluffy pancakes is knowing when to flip them. Flipping pancakes at the right time ensures they are cooked evenly on both sides and have a nice golden brown color.

Signs to Look for:

Here are some signs to look for that indicate it\’s time to flip your pancakes:

  • Bubbles forming: Small bubbles will begin creating on the surface as the pancake cooks. Once you start seeing these bubbles, it\’s a good indication that the bottom is cooked and ready to be flipped.
  • Edges set: The edges of the pancake should start to look set and slightly cooked. If the edges are still raw and runny, it\’s not time to flip yet.
  • Golden brown color: The bottom of the pancake should have a golden brown color before you flip it. If it\’s too pale, it needs more time to cook.

It\’s essential to resist the urge to flip the pancake too early. Converting too soon can result in undercooked pancakes that are doughy and gummy. On the other hand, flipping too late can lead to overcooked pancakes that are dry and rubbery.

Once you notice these signs, it\’s time to flip your pancakes with a spatula. Gently slide the spatula underneath the pancake, then quickly and confidently flip it over. Cook the other side for a few more minutes until it\’s golden brown as well.

Practice Makes Perfect:

Flipping pancakes can take a bit of practice to get it just right. Don’t get discouraged if your first few attempts don’t turn out perfectly. Keep an eye on the signs mentioned above and adjust your timing accordingly.

By mastering the art of flipping pancakes at the right time, you\’ll be able to make fluffy, delicious pancakes that everyone will love. So keep practicing and enjoy your soft pancake creations!

Using the Right Type of Pan or Griddle


One of the factors that can contribute to rubbery or gummy pancakes is using the wrong type of pan or skillet. The kind of pan you use can significantly affect your pancakes’ cooking process and texture.

When it comes to making fluffy pancakes, a non-stick pan or griddle is highly recommended. The non-stick surface helps prevent the batter from sticking, allowing you to flip the pancakes quickly without tearing them apart.

A cast iron pan or griddle can also be an excellent choice for making fluffy pancakes. Released iron heats evenly and retains heat well, creating a consistent cooking surface. This helps distribute heat evenly throughout the pancakes, resulting in a more uniform and fluffy texture.

Avoid using pans or griddles with a low-quality, non-stick coating, as they can cause the pancakes to cook unevenly and stick to the surface. Additionally, using a pan that is too small can cause the pancakes to be crowded, preventing them from cooking properly and resulting in a rubbery texture.

Choosing the correct type of pan or grill can significantly affect the outcome of your pancakes. A non-stick or cast iron pan can help you achieve fluffy and delicious pancakes every time!

Adjusting Baking Powder and Baking Soda Ratio

If your pancakes turn out rubbery or gummy, it may be due to an incorrect ratio of baking powder to baking soda. Both of these leavening agents are responsible for making the pancakes fluffy and light.

You can increase or decrease the baking powder and baking soda in the recipe to adjust the ratio. If your pancakes are gummy, it could be because there is too much baking soda. In this case, try reducing the amount of baking soda and increasing the amount of baking powder.

If your pancakes are rubbery, it may be because there is too much baking powder. You can try reducing the amount of baking powder and increasing the amount of baking soda. However, be careful not to overdo it, as too much baking soda can lead to a bitter taste.

Here\’s a suggested adjustment:

If your original recipe calls for one teaspoon of baking powder and no baking soda, try using 3/4 teaspoon of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda instead. This adjustment will help balance the leavening agents and improve the texture of your pancakes.

Note: It\’s important to note that adjusting the baking powder and baking soda ratio may not be the only factor affecting the texture of your pancakes. Other factors, such as mixing technique, cooking temperature, and ingredient measurements, can also play a role. Finding the perfect balance for fluffy pancakes may require some trial and error.

Letting the Batter Rest

To make fluffy pancakes, it\’s essential to let the batter rest briefly before cooking it. Allowing the batter to rest helps activate the flour gluten, which gives the pancakes structure and a soft, fluffy texture.

When you mix the batter, you\’ll notice that it may be lumpy at first. This is entirely normal. However, if you cook the pancakes right away, those lumps will remain in the final product and prevent the pancakes from being light and fluffy.

Instead, take the time to let the batter rest for about 10 to 15 minutes before cooking. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.

Why letting the batter rest is essential:

  1. Gluten development: Allowing the batter to rest allows the gluten to develop, leading to a better texture and structure of the pancakes. This ensures that the pancakes will not turn out rubbery or gummy.
  2. Better flavor: Resting the batter melds the flavors, resulting in a more flavorful pancake.
  3. Improved consistency: Resting the batter allows the ingredients to fully hydrate, resulting in a smoother and more consistent batter.

After the batter has rested, please stir it quickly before cooking. You may notice that the batter has thickened slightly during the resting period. If it seems too thick, add more liquid, such as milk or water, to thin it out to your desired consistency.

By letting your pancake batter rest, you\’ll be rewarded with light, fluffy, and delicious pancakes that will impress you.


Why are my pancakes rubbery or gummy?

Pancakes can become rubbery or gummy due to a few factors. One possible reason is overmixing the batter, which can develop the gluten and make the pancakes tough. Another reason could be using too much liquid in the batter, making it thin and causing the pancakes to become rubbery. Lastly, overcooking the pancakes can also result in a rubbery texture.

How can I fix rubbery or gummy pancakes?

If your pancakes turn out rubbery or gummy, you can take a few steps to fix them. First, make sure you don’t overmix the batter. Mix until the ingredients are just combined to avoid developing too much gluten. Additionally, check the consistency of the batter. If it is too thin, add some flour to thicken it. Lastly, pay attention to the cooking time and temperature. Cook the pancakes on medium-low heat and flip them when bubbles form on the surface.

What can I add to the pancake batter to make them fluffy?

You can add a few ingredients to the pancake batter to make fluffy pancakes. One option is to use baking powder or baking soda to help the pancakes rise and become soft. Another option is to separate the egg yolks from the whites and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form, then fold them into the batter. This will add airiness and fluffiness to the pancakes. Lastly, using buttermilk instead of regular milk can contribute to fluffier pancakes.

Can I salvage rubbery pancakes?

Yes, you can salvage rubbery pancakes! One method is to reheat them in the oven. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), place the pancakes on a baking sheet, and heat them for a few minutes until they are warm and crispy. Another option is to slice the rubbery pancakes into strips and use them as a base for a breakfast casserole or a savory dish. Incorporating the pancakes into a different recipe allows you to mask and enjoy the rubbery texture.


Tanpa MIXER!! Resep Souffle Pancake ala JEPANG ala Anak Kos!! Gampang Banget!!!

When to Flip Pancakes – Perfect Pancakes Every Time!


Emma Johnson

I recently tried making pancakes at home and was disappointed that they turned out to be rubbery and gummy instead of fluffy and light. I was looking forward to a delicious stack of pancakes for breakfast, but they ended up being a huge letdown. Luckily, I found an article titled “How to Fix Rubbery or Gummy Pancakes and Make Them Fluffy” that provided some helpful tips and tricks. The article explained that the issue could be due to a few common mistakes during the pancake-making process. Firstly, the article advised using the proper flour-to-liquid ratio. It is recommended that the flour be measured accurately and not packed into the measuring cup. Adding too much flour can result in dense and rubbery pancakes.

Additionally, the article suggested not overmixing the batter as it could lead to gluten development, resulting in tough pancakes. Another helpful tip I learned from the article was to check the freshness of the baking powder. Using expired or old baking powder can cause pancakes to become dense and gummy. The article suggested a quick test by adding a small amount of baking powder to a cup of hot water. If it fizzes and bubbles, it is still fresh.

Furthermore, the article recommended avoiding flipping the pancakes multiple times. Converting them once should be enough to ensure even cooking and fluffiness. Over-handling the pancakes can make them lose their light and airy texture. Lastly, the article suggested adjusting the heat of the grill or pan. Cooking pancakes on too high heat can quickly brown the outside while leaving the inside undercooked and gummy. Lowering the heat and cooking them slower can help achieve that desired fluffy texture. Overall, I found the article extremely helpful in troubleshooting my pancake woes. Armed with the knowledge I gained, I am confident that my next batch of pancakes will turn out fluffy and delicious. I can’t wait to try these tips and enjoy a perfect stack of pancakes for breakfast.

Olivia Smith

These tips are a lifesaver! As a breakfast lover, I\’m always on the hunt for the perfect pancake recipe. But sometimes, they turn out rubbery or gummy, and it\’s such a disappointment. This article has helped me understand where I was going wrong and how to fix it. First, I learned that too much mixing can lead to rubbery pancakes. I used to think that mixing the batter until it was smooth was the goal, but it turns out that overmixing activates the gluten, resulting in a dense texture. Now I know to mix until the ingredients are combined, making a difference. Another mistake I made was using old baking powder. I didn’t realize that baking powder loses effectiveness over time and that using expired or stale baking powder can cause gummy pancakes. Thanks to this article, I now check the expiration date before I start cooking, and it has made a noticeable improvement in the fluffiness of my pancakes. I also found the tip about resting the batter extremely helpful. I used to mix the ingredients and start cooking immediately, but now I let the batter rest for a few minutes to allow the gluten to relax. This helps the pancakes to rise evenly and become fluffy. Lastly, I learned about the importance of using the right temperature. Cooking pancakes on low heat can result in gummy pancakes, whereas cooking them on high heat can lead to burnt edges and undercooked centers. I now preheat my pan on medium heat and adjust as necessary to achieve perfectly golden, fluffy pancakes. Overall, these tips have transformed my pancake game. I can now enjoy light and fluffy pancakes every weekend without the disappointment of rubbery or gummy textures. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!


I have always been a pancake fan and love trying new recipes. So, when I came across this article on fixing rubbery or gummy pancakes and making them fluffy, I was immediately intrigued. As an avid pancake lover, there have been times when my pancakes turned out gummy or rubbery, and I always wondered what I did wrong. The article provides insightful tips on fixing this common pancake problem and consistently achieving fluffy pancakes. One of the tips mentioned is to avoid overmixing the batter. I can relate to this mistake, as I sometimes get carried away with mixing. The article explains that overmixing can cause the gluten in the flour to develop too much, resulting in dense and rubbery pancakes. I will remember this the next time I whip up a batch of pancakes. Another tip that caught my attention was the importance of using suitable leavening agents, such as baking powder or baking soda. Too little leavening can result in flat and gummy pancakes, while too much can taste bitter. The article recommends measuring the leavening agents accurately to achieve the perfect balance. I will double-check my measurements next time to avoid any mishaps. I also appreciate the suggestions on incorporating whipped egg whites or buttermilk into the pancake batter. Whipped egg whites add airiness and lightness to the pancakes, making them fluffy and delicious. Buttermilk, conversely, provides acidity, which reacts with the leavening agents to create a smooth texture. These tips are simple yet effective ways to improve the texture of pancakes. Overall, I found this article informative and helpful, providing practical tips on how to fix rubbery or gummy pancakes and make them fluffy. As a pancake enthusiast, I will incorporate these tips into my future pancake-making adventures.


As a male reader, I can relate to the frustration of making rubbery or gummy pancakes. There\’s nothing worse than eagerly waiting for a stack of fluffy pancakes only to be disappointed with their texture. Thankfully, there are some simple tips and tricks to fix this issue and achieve perfectly fluffy pancakes. Firstly, it\’s crucial to pay attention to the pancake batter consistency. If the batter is too thin, it can result in pancakes that turn out flat and rubbery. On the other hand, if the batter is too thick, it will make it difficult for the pancakes to cook evenly. Finding the right balance is critical. I suggest gradually adding small amounts of flour or liquid until the batter reaches a smooth, thick, and pourable consistency. Another factor that can affect pancake texture is overmixing. It\’s essential to avoid extensive stirring or whisking as it develops the gluten in the batter, resulting in challenging and chewy pancakes. Instead, mix the dry ingredients separately and add them to the wet ingredients until combined. This will ensure a lighter and fluffier pancake. Cooking temperature plays a significant role as well. A common mistake is using high heat, which often leads to pancakes that appear done on the outside but remain uncooked in the center. I recommend using medium heat and allowing the pancakes to cook slowly and evenly. This will give them ample time to rise and ensure a fluffy interior. Lastly, avoiding the temptation to press down on the pancakes while cooking is crucial. While it may seem tempting to speed up the cooking process, pressing them will remove the air pockets, resulting in denser and gummier pancakes. Instead, patiently wait for bubbles to form on the surface, signaling that it\’s time to flip. By following these simple tips, anyone, including myself, can fix the issue of rubbery or gummy pancakes and enjoy a stack of fluffy delights. So, the next time you find yourself disappointed with your pancake texture, give these suggestions a try, and you\’ll be pleasantly surprised by the improvement. Happy pancake-making!

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Why are my pancakes not cooked through

Salty Pancakes
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🥞🌭 Pancakes with Sausages – Enjoy our unique American Salty Pancakes with sausages!
🥓🥞 Pancake Bacon – Treat yourself to our special American Salty Pancakes with bacon.

Sweets Pancakes
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