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80333 München

Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday:
5:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Gabelsbergerstraße 34
9876 80333 München

Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday:
5:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Gabelsbergerstraße 34
9876 80333 München

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday: 9:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Why are my pancakes burning

There\’s nothing quite as disappointing as flipping a pancake only to find it burned to a crisp. But fear not, fellow pancake enthusiasts, for there are simple solutions to this common kitchen problem. Whether you\’re a novice in the world of pancakes or a seasoned pro, understanding the reasons behind burnt pancakes can help you achieve pancake perfection every time.

One of the most common mistakes that lead to burnt pancakes is cooking them too high. It can be tempting to crank up the stove to cook those pancakes in record time, but this can often result in charred edges and a raw, uncooked center. To avoid this, it\’s best to cook pancakes on a medium heat setting, allowing them to cook evenly and develop a lovely golden-brown color.

Another culprit behind burnt pancakes is using the wrong type of pan. Nonstick pans are a pancake\’s best friend, as they distribute heat evenly and prevent the batter from sticking. Avoid using stainless steel or cast iron pans, which can cause the batter to stick and burn. If you don’t have a nonstick pan, use a well-seasoned toss iron skillet or a thin layer of oil or butter to prevent sticking.

So, next time you wonder why your pancakes are burning, take a moment to assess these common mistakes. Adjusting the heat, using the right pan, and practicing patience can make all the difference in achieving fluffy, delicious pancakes that are perfectly cooked every time. With these tips in mind, you\’ll be flipping pancakes like a pro in no time!

Choosing the Wrong Pan

One common mistake that can lead to burnt pancakes is choosing the wrong pan. The type of pan you use can significantly affect your pancake’s cooking process and outcomes.

Nonstick vs. Stainless Steel:

Nonstick pans are often preferred for cooking pancakes because they require less oil and make it easier to flip the pancakes. They have a smooth, nonstick surface that prevents the batter from sticking, which helps achieve even browning. However, nonstick pans may not distribute heat as evenly as stainless steel pans, so you need to be careful with the heat setting.

On the other hand, stainless steel pans are known for their excellent heat distribution but require more oil or butter to prevent sticking. They can give your pancakes a nice crispy crust, but you need to be cautious about the heat level to avoid burning.


If you\’re using a stainless steel pan, preheating it properly is crucial. Allow the pan to heat gradually over medium heat to ensure even browning without burning the pancakes. Additionally, you can use a nonstick spray or brush some melted butter to create a light coating on the pan\’s surface, which will help prevent sticking.

Size Matters:

Choosing the right size of the pan is also important.

A pan that is too small for the amount of batter used can cause the pancakes to overflow and potentially burn. On the other hand, a too large pan may not retain heat properly and may result in uneven cooking.


Use a pan that allows for some space around each pancake. This will help you flip them quickly and prevent them from sticking to one another. It\’s better to cook fewer pancakes at a time in a larger pan than overcrowd a small pan.

All in all, choosing the right pan, whether it\’s nonstick or stainless steel and the right size can make a significant difference in achieving pancakes that are perfectly cooked and not burnt.

Overheating the Pan

One common mistake that can lead to burned pancakes is overheating the pan. When the pan gets too hot, it can cause the batter to cook too quickly on the outside while leaving the inside raw. This can result in pancakes that are burned on the outside and undercooked on the inside.

To avoid this mistake, it\’s essential to heat the pan to the correct temperature. You want it to be hot enough to cook the pancakes evenly but not so hot that they burn before they can cook through. A medium heat setting is typically sufficient for cooking pancakes.

Another tip is to keep an eye on the pan as you cook. If the pancakes are browning too quickly, you can lower the heat or move the pan to a more remarkable part of the stove. This will help prevent them from burning.

If you\’re using a nonstick pan, it\’s also important to avoid using cooking sprays or excessive amounts of oil. These can create a barrier between the pancake batter and the pan, preventing them from cooking evenly and potentially causing them to burn.

By being mindful of the heat of your pan and making adjustments as needed, you can prevent burning and achieve perfectly cooked pancakes every time.

Using the Wrong Heat Setting

The heat setting on your stove plays a crucial role in the success of your pancake-making endeavors. Using the wrong heat setting can cause your pancakes to burn or cook unevenly. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when it comes to heat settings:

1. High heat

One of the most common mistakes is using high heat to cook pancakes. While you may think high heat will cook your pancakes faster, it can lead to burnt outsides and undercooked insides. High heat can also cause the batter to spread too quickly, resulting in thin and crispy pancakes.

2. Low heat

On the other end of the spectrum, low heat can result in pale and soggy pancakes. Pancakes cooked on low heat take longer to cook through, which can lead to a dense and doughy texture. Intense heat can also cause the batter to spread too slowly, resulting in thick and heavy pancakes.

So, what is the correct heat setting for pancakes? It\’s best to use medium heat. Medium heat allows the pancakes to cook evenly and develop a golden-brown color without burning. It also gives the batter enough time to spread and cook through properly.

Before pouring the batter, preheat your pan or grill to the desired heat setting. This will ensure the pancakes start cooking immediately, preventing sticking or uneven cooking.

Using the proper heat setting is essential for achieving perfect pancakes every time. So, be mindful of your heat settings and adjust to achieve delicious and evenly cooked pancakes.

Not Preheating the Pan

One common mistake that can lead to burning pancakes is improperly preheating the pan. Preheating the pan is crucial because it helps distribute the heat evenly and ensures that the pancakes cook evenly on both sides. If the pan is not preheated, the pancake batter may stick to the pan and burn, or the pancake may cook unevenly, with some parts being undercooked and others being burnt.

Place the pan on the stove over medium-low heat for a few minutes to preheat it. A nonstick pan is recommended for making pancakes as it will help prevent sticking and burning. Once the pan is preheated, add a small amount of cooking oil or butter and spread it evenly across its surface. This will further help prevent sticking and burning.

It\’s important to note that the pan should not be too hot or too cold when you start cooking the pancakes. If the pan is too hot, the pancakes may cook too quickly and burn. On the other hand, if the pan is too cold, the pancakes may not cook evenly and turn out gummy and undercooked.

An excellent way to test if the pan is preheated correctly is to drop a small amount of pancake batter onto the pan. If it sizzles and starts to cook immediately, the pan is ready. If the batter sits there without cooking, the pan needs more time to preheat.

Taking the time to preheat the pan properly will make a big difference in the outcome of your pancakes. It will help ensure that they cook evenly, with a golden-brown color and a fluffy texture. So don’t skip this vital step and enjoy perfect pancakes every time!

Poorly Prepared Batter

One common mistake that can result in burning pancakes is having a poorly prepared batter. Pancake batter should be smooth and well-mixed to ensure even cooking and a fluffy texture. Here are some mistakes to avoid when designing your pancake batter:

1. Overmixing the batter


Overmixing the batter can lead to rigid and dense pancakes. When you overmix, you develop the gluten in the flour, making the pancakes chewy. Instead, mix the batter until the ingredients are just combined. It\’s okay if a few lumps are remaining.

2. Using the wrong flour

Choosing the suitable flour is crucial for making pancakes. Like bread flour, flour with a high protein content can result in tough pancakes. Instead, opt for all-purpose flour or a pancake mix for fluffy pancakes.

Tip: If you want to add texture to your pancakes, substitute a portion of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat or cornmeal. This will give your pancakes a slightly nutty flavor and heartier texture.

By avoiding these mistakes and ensuring your batter is prepared correctly, you can prevent your pancakes from burning and enjoy a stack of perfect, fluffy pancakes every time.

Not Greasing the Pan Properly


One common mistake that can lead to burnt pancakes is not greasing the pan properly. When making pancakes, it\’s essential to ensure that the pan is well-greased before pouring in the batter. This will prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan and burning.

You can use butter, oil, or cooking spray to grease the pan. If you use butter, melt it first and then spread it evenly across the pan\’s surface. Alternatively, you can use a small amount of oil or cooking spray to coat the pan.

Pay close attention to the edges and corners when greasing the pan, as pancakes tend to stick in these areas. You can use a brush or paper towel to distribute the grease evenly and ensure all pan areas are coated.

Using the Correct Amount of Grease


It\’s essential to use the correct amount of grease when greasing the pan. Using too little grease can cause the pancakes to stick and burn while using too much can result in greasy pancakes. The goal is to create a thin and even layer of grease on the pan\’s surface.

Remember that pancakes are cooked at a relatively high heat, so it\’s essential to use a grease that can withstand high temperatures. Butter and oils with high smoke points, such as canola or avocado oil, are suitable for greasing the pan.

Re-greasing Between Batches

If you\’re making multiple batches of pancakes, it\’s essential to re-grease the pan between each batch. Over time, the grease can burn and become less effective, so it\’s a good idea to add a small amount of fresh grease to the pan before pouring in the batter for the next batch.

Properly greasing the pan prevents your pancakes from burning and ensures they turn out perfectly cooked and delicious. So don’t forget this essential step next time you make pancakes!

Flipping Too Early or Too Late

One of the most common mistakes people make when cooking pancakes is flipping them too early or too late. Flipping the pancake at the right time is crucial for achieving that perfect golden-brown color and fluffy texture.

Flipping the pancake too early may not have had enough time to cook through, resulting in a gooey or undercooked center. This is especially important when using thicker pancake batter, as it takes longer for the heat to reach the center. To avoid this mistake, be patient and wait until you see bubbles forming on the surface of the pancake and the edges start to look set. This is usually a good indication that it\’s time to flip.

On the other hand, flipping the pancake too late can lead to overcooked or burnt edges. If you notice that your pancake is getting too dark before you have a chance to flip it, lower the heat slightly and adjust your cooking time accordingly. It\’s essential to find the right balance between a golden-brown exterior and a fluffy interior.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to flipping pancakes. The more you cook them, the better you\’ll become at judging the right moment to flip. Don’t be discouraged by a few burnt or uncooked pancakes – it\’s all part of the learning process.

  • Wait for bubbles to form on the surface and the edges to set before flipping.
  • Lower the heat if the pancake is getting too dark before flipping
  • Practice and learn to judge the right moment to flip

By remembering these tips and paying attention to the cooking process, you\’ll be on your way to making perfect pancakes with a beautiful golden-brown color and a light and fluffy texture.

Neglecting the Cooking Time

One of the most common mistakes when cooking pancakes is neglecting the cooking time. It\’s essential to pay attention to how long you cook your pancakes to avoid burning them.

If you cook the pancakes on too high of heat, they may burn on the outside while still being raw on the inside. On the other hand, cooking them on too low of heat can result in undercooked gummy pancakes that don’t have that nice golden-brown color.

Preheat your skillet or pan over medium heat to achieve perfectly cooked pancakes. This will ensure even cooking and prevent the pancakes from sticking to the surface. Use a nonstick cooking spray or a small amount of butter to grease the surface before pouring the batter.

Indication Cooking Time
Tiny bubbles forming on the surface About 1-2 minutes
Edges are starting to look dry About 2-3 minutes
Golden brown color on the bottom About 3-4 minutes
Flipping the pancake About 1-2 minutes on the other side
Removing from heat About 1 minute

It\’s essential to keep an eye on the cooking time and adjust the heat if necessary. If your pancakes are cooking too quickly, reduce the heat slightly. If they are taking too long to cook, increase the heat slightly. Remember that the first pancake is often a trial run and may not turn out perfectly, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t come out as expected.

Paying attention to the cooking time and adjusting the heat as needed ensures that your pancakes come out perfectly cooked and delicious every time.


Why do my pancakes always turn out burnt?

There could be a few reasons why your pancakes are burning. First, make sure you are cooking them on medium heat. The pancakes will cook too quickly and burn if the heat is too high. Also, use a nonstick pan and cooking spray to prevent the pancakes from sticking and burning. Finally, you may leave the pancakes on the heat too long. Flip them as soon as the edges look set, and remove them from the heat once golden brown.

What type of pan should I use to prevent pancakes from burning?

Using a nonstick pan is critical to preventing pancakes from burning. This type of pan will ensure that the pancakes don’t stick to the surface, which can lead to burning. Also, use cooking spray or a small amount of butter to prevent further sticking and burning.

Can I use a different type of flour for my pancakes?

Absolutely! While most pancake recipes call for all-purpose flour, you can experiment with different types of flour to add flavor and texture to your pancakes. For example, you could use whole wheat, almond, or even coconut flour. Remember that different flours may require adjustments to the liquid ingredients in the recipe, so be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully.

How can I prevent my pancakes from sticking to the pan?

To prevent your pancakes from sticking to the pan, there are a few steps you can take. First, make sure to use a nonstick pan. Additionally, use cooking spray or a small amount of butter to grease the pan before adding the pancake batter. This will create a barrier between the batter and the pan, preventing sticking. Lastly, wait until the edges of the pancake look set before flipping. Flipping the pancake too early can cause it to tear and stick to the pan.

How can I make my pancakes cook more evenly?

If you find that your pancakes are not cooking evenly, a few factors could be at play. First, make sure to preheat the pan before adding the batter. This will help ensure even cooking from the start. Additionally, try to pour the batter onto the pan in a circular motion, starting from the center and working your way out. This will help create an even layer of batter. Lastly, spread the batter evenly across the pan with a spoon or spatula to ensure even thickness.


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As an honest reader and a lover of pancakes, I found this article on “Why Are My Pancakes Burning? Common Mistakes and Tips for Perfect Pancakes” extremely helpful. I have always struggled with getting my pancakes just right, and burnt pancakes have become common in my kitchen. The article outlined some common mistakes that I have been making, like using high heat and not properly preparing the pan. It also provided valuable tips, such as preheating the pan at medium-low heat, using a nonstick pan, or adding butter for better results. I never knew that adding a small amount of vinegar to the batter could also prevent burning. The step-by-step instructions and visuals in the article made it easy for me to follow along. I can’t wait to try these tips and finally achieve the perfect pancakes without burnt edges. Thank you for sharing this informative article!

Christopher Brown

As a male reader, I found this article on “Why Are My Pancakes Burning? Common Mistakes and Tips for Perfect Pancakes” very informative and helpful. I\’ve always loved pancakes, but I could never figure out why they would always end up burnt. The article explained some common mistakes that I was making, such as using high heat or not properly greasing the pan. I appreciated the tips in the article, such as adjusting the heat to medium-low, using a nonstick pan, or adequately greasing the pan with butter or oil. The step-by-step instructions on how to make perfect pancakes were easy to follow and understand. The article also mentioned the importance of not overcrowding the pan and flipping the pancake at the right time. These were mistakes I had made in the past, resulting in unevenly cooked and burnt pancakes. Overall, this article is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to avoid burning their pancakes. I will be incorporating these tips into my pancake-making routine. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights!


I love making pancakes for breakfast, but sometimes they turn out burnt and disappointing. This article provided great tips to solve this issue! The most common mistake I used to make was using too much heat on the stove. Now I know to keep it on medium-low to avoid burning the pancakes. Another tip was to spread the batter evenly on the pan so the pancakes cook evenly. I also learned that using a nonstick pan or adding oil can prevent sticking and burning. Lastly, the article suggests flipping the pancake only once and waiting for bubbles to form before flipping. This has helped me achieve perfectly cooked and fluffy pancakes. Overall, this article was beneficial, and I can’t wait to try these tips for my next pancake breakfast!


As a female reader and a fan of pancakes, I found this article on “Why Are My Pancakes Burning? Common Mistakes and Tips for Perfect Pancakes” incredibly useful. The writer explained the common mistakes people make when making pancakes and provided some helpful tips to achieve perfect results. As someone who has experienced burning pancakes before, it\’s reassuring to know that I\’m not alone and that there are solutions to this issue. The article highlighted the importance of maintaining the proper heat while cooking pancakes. I \ often made the mistake of setting the heat too high, resulting in burnt pancakes. The tip to start with a low heat and gradually increase it was a game-changer for me. I appreciate the writer\’s emphasis on patience and taking the time to get the heat level right. Another mistake I\’ve made in the past is flipping the pancakes too early. The article explained how waiting for bubbles to form on the surface before flipping is crucial.

I learned that being in a rush and flipping too soon can lead to undercooked pancakes, while waiting for those bubbles ensures they are cooked. The writer also provided some helpful suggestions for preventing burning, including using nonstick cookware, adjusting the recipe to include more fat or sugar, and adding a touch of oil or butter to the pan. These tips were easy to follow and significantly impacted my pancake-making process. Overall, this article was a lifesaver for me. I can confidently say that my pancakes are no longer burnt or undercooked. I appreciate the writer\’s thorough explanation and practical tips. I will be referring back to this article every time I crave pancakes.

Emma Johnson

As a reader, I found this article on “Why Are My Pancakes Burning? Common Mistakes and Tips for Perfect Pancakes” incredibly helpful. I used to struggle with burnt pancakes, and this article provided some valuable tips to avoid this common mistake. The article explains that high heat is a significant culprit in pancake burning. I didn’t realize that it\’s essential to cook pancakes on medium-low heat to prevent them from burning. The author also emphasizes adequately preheating the pan to ensure even cooking. Another mistake I learned about is using the wrong type of pan. The article suggests using a nonstick pan or a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet to prevent sticking and ensure perfect browning. I\’ll be investing in a nonstick pan for my next pancake-making session. I appreciated the troubleshooting section of the article, which addressed common issues and provided solutions. For example, if the pancakes are burning on the outside but are still raw on the inside, the author suggests lowering the heat and adjusting the cooking time accordingly. This was a game-changer for me, as I used to end up with pancakes that were either burnt or undercooked. In addition to highlighting the mistakes to avoid, the article also provides valuable tips for making perfect pancakes. I loved adding clarified butter or oil to the pan before cooking each pancake. This creates a golden-brown crust and adds a delicious flavor to the pancakes. Overall, this article was a lifesaver for me. It provided clear explanations, practical tips, and troubleshooting advice that will undoubtedly help me make perfect pancakes from now on. I can’t wait to try these new techniques and enjoy fluffy, golden-brown pancakes without worrying about burning them.


As someone who loves making and eating pancakes, I enjoyed reading this article on how to avoid burning them. I\’ve had my fair share of burnt pancakes in the past, and it\’s frustrating. One of my main mistakes was using a high heat setting on my stove, which would quickly burn the pancakes on the outside while leaving them raw on the inside. Now I know to use medium heat and to wait until the pan is properly heated before pouring the batter. Another tip that I found helpful was to use the right amount of oil or butter in the pan. I used to either use too much, resulting in greasy pancakes, or not enough, causing them to stick to the pan. It\’s all about finding the perfect balance. I also appreciated the advice on correctly flipping the pancakes. I used to get so nervous and often ended up with unevenly cooked pancakes that ultimately fell apart. The trick of waiting for bubbles to form on the surface before flipping has been a game-changer for me. Overall, this article has given me some great tips and insights on making perfect pancakes without burning them. I can’t wait to put these tips into practice and enjoy delicious, evenly cooked pancakes that are golden brown on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

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Sweet Potato Pancakes

Salty Pancakes
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🥞🌭 Pancakes with Sausages – Enjoy our unique American Salty Pancakes with sausages!
🥓🥞 Pancake Bacon – Treat yourself to our special American Salty Pancakes with bacon.

Sweets Pancakes
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